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Deloading: Give Me A Break

Some swear by them. Some say they are bullshit. Some use them as an excuse to go off the hinges for a week. Some use them to optimize performance. There's an art to getting the most out of them. Yes, today we're talking about the art of using deloads to optimize training, performance and recovery.... Continue Reading →

How To Dodge The Injury Bullet:

The one thing everyone dreads yet effects every athlete at some point in their career; injuries. A lot of athletes think injuries are out of their control. A push in the back, an awkward fall, sure sometimes it happens. But, a lot of the time through proper training protocols and programming a lot of injuries... Continue Reading →

Weight Training: Where To Start

Starting to lift weights can be scary, there's so many different lifts and exercises and machines it can be hard to know where to start. So, in this blog post I'm going to outline where the best place to start is and how to get in to weightlifting safely to maximise your results from the... Continue Reading →

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