How to Add to The Bag.

Ah, the off season.

That time of year when everyone channels their inner Mamba and tries to workout 3 times a day in the hopes of becoming better than last season.

I’m not gonna lie, I love this time of year. 3-4 months of working out, working others out and just getting better and watching others get better.

I love it.

So, let me explain to you how I go about adding to my bag of moves.

Perfecting Your Craft:

This is probably one of the easiest, yet hardest part of basketball. Too many players follow too many trainers or watch too many Youtube videos and think if its not complex and full of 6 moves combos its useless.

Like my coach always says ‘basketball is a simple game lads’

So if you really wanna get better heres the formula:

Keep it simple. The player who can get to the basket or score in 3-4 dribbles in 2-3 seconds will be much more attractive to a coach and a much more efficient player than the one who needs to go James Harden and use the whole shot clock just to shoot a step back. Cut the crap, put the ball in the net.

So, with that said, how do we go about that? Well here are some simple steps that I got from a video by Drew Hanlen which I’ll link below

‘Simplify your game’

One move a counter and the ability to read. Skill work is that simple.

So, make a list of two or three things you want to get better at and work on them. Also, if you REALLY want to master your game skills, completely break everything down.

What do I mean?

So, if you want to get better at one or two moves, break down the footwork and walk through it. Start off gaining control of the dribbles needed stationary or without attacking a basket.

Then, master it by just getting on the court and rep it out without any defence. Next, try it out in different situations and reads and then start all over again with your counter(s).

When all thats done test it out against some real defence. Its a lot of work I know, but in order to master something you have to go through the process and work on it EVERYDAY.

Its the off-season, this is the time to get better. Don’t rush, take your time and truly get it right.

Shortcuts will lead to short-comings in the season.

As Rasheed Wallace once famously said: ‘Ball Don’t Lie’

If you need more help getting this part of your off-season off right, hit me up, I want us to all get better.

We have to.

Stay workin’


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